Daily Schedule and Announcements

Daily Schedule

 Period 1:  8:20 - 9:35
 Transition:  9:35 - 9:42
 Period 2:  9:42 - 10:57
 Lunch:  10:57 - 11:57
 Period 3:  11:57 - 1:12
 Transition:  1:12 - 1:19
 Period 4:  1:19 - 2:34

Daily Announcements


Announcements June 17:

Any reading selections borrowed from the library, as well as any textbooks still out should be returned to Mr. Goldring in the library before your final exam . If this does not occur, a dark cloud will follow you until the end of time, bad luck will haunt your every turn, and Mr. Goldring will speak poorly about you at all future events... Bring your books back!

All grade 9s and 10s who were issued a laptop should return it to the library before leaving for summer. It will be checked by I.T. over the summer, and then returned to you for September. If you require it for a summer session course, please see Mr. Goldring to confirm this.

Congratulations to the Special Olympics basketball team for your tremendous efforts in Chatham last week. The basketball team competed in a 2 day tournament where they demonstrated great skills and determination. Throughout the tournament the Lancers were positive, displayed great sportsmanship. Great job Sierra, Michael, Sabbir and Brian. Shoutout to our unified players, Jacob and Devanshi, your support and encouragement was outstanding.

Lancers— congratulations on all of your hard work this year. Graduates — we will miss you! Good luck on your exams everybody! Singing out, the Leadership announcements team.



